Residential Faculty
Senior Teaching Fellows
BS (Seoul National University), MA (Wheaton College), DMin (ACTS Seminaries of TWU)
Courses Taught
Marriage and Communication
Parent Education
Theology I
Theology of Reconciliation
BA (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies ), BA, MA (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), PhD (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Courses Taught
Christian Philosophy of Everyday Life (기독교 일상철학)
BA (UCLA), MDiv (Fuller), STM (Yale Divinity), PhD (Union Presbyterian Seminary)
Courses Taught
New Testament Foundations (신약 개론)
Letter to the Romans (로마서)
Theology and Ethics of the Gospels (복음서의 신학과 윤리)
MD, PhD (JeonBuk National University, College of Medicine)
Courses Taught
Biomedical Ethics (의료윤리)
BA (Seoul National Univ), MSc (University of Rhode Island), PhD (University of Texas)
Courses Taught
Christianity and Environmental Issues (기독교와 환경문제)
BA, MA, PhD (Seoul National University)
Courses Taught
Christian View of History and Historical Awareness (기독교 역사관과 역사의식)
William Badke
BA, MLS. (UBC), MTh, MDiv (Northwest Baptist Seminary)
Courses Taught
Research Strategies (연구논문작성법)
James Rusthoven
MD, MHSc (University of Illinois College of Medicine), PhD (Trinity College)
Courses Taught
Biomedical Ethics (의료윤리)
R. Paul Stevens
BA, BD, DD (McMaster University), DMin (Fuller)
Courses Taught
Marketplace and Christian Worldview (일터와 기독교세계관)
Jonathan Wilson
BA (Welch College), MCS (Regent College), MDiv (Regent College/Carey Hall), PhD (Duke University)
Courses Taught
Believer’s Church Theology (복음주의 조직신학)
Other Professors and Courses Taught
강사진 | 강의 |
김상덕 | Christianity and Culture (기독교와 문화) |
김선용 | The Synoptics and Christian Worldview (복음서와 기독교세계관) |
김성한 | Foundations for Peace and Justice (평화학 개론) |
Mission and Peace (선교와 평화) | |
김영봉 | Communication for Transformation: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos of Preaching (변혁을 일으키는 설교) |
김응교 | Art, Literature and Christian Worldview (예술과 기독교세계관) |
김진혁 | C.S.Lewis and Christian Apologetics (C.S.루이스와 기독교 변증) |
배덕만 | History of Christianity II (교회사 2) |
박장훈 | Worldviews in the Biblical World – Paul’s Worldview (성경시대의 세계관 – 바울의 세계관) |
New Testament and Christian Worldview (신약과 기독교세계관) | |
New Testament Foundations (신약 개론) | |
박흥식 | Christianity and Medieval Europe (기독교와 중세유럽) |
Studies on Martin Luther (마틴 루터 연구) | |
안성호 | Mission and Christian Worldview (선교와 기독교세계관) |
안점식 | Oriental Culture and Christian Worldview (동양 문화와 기독교세계관) |
Pluralism and Theology of Religion (다원주의와 종교 신학) | |
양혜원 | Religion, Women and Ministry (종교, 여성, 사역) |
유경상 | Christian Worldview and Education (기독교세계관과 교육) |
이민동 | Equipping God’s People for the Marketplace (하나님의 백성을 위한 일터 신학과 영성) |
이재근 | Christian View of History and Historical Awareness (기독교 역사관과 역사의식) |
이종천 | Pastoral Counselling (목회 상담) |
이필찬 | Eschatology and Christian Worldview (종말론과 기독교세계관) |
Allen Yeh | Mission and Christian Worldview (선교와 기독교세계관) |
Randy Wollf | Foundations of Christian Leadership (기독교 리더십 기초) |